Finally – and right in time for CLT – the Fedora 14 Media for EMEA have arrived!

I was shocked 😯 when the guy opened his truck and revealed an euro 6 pallet. I didn’t expect 3000 media to be so much! Last time I got 1600, but they were in 4 parcels of 4 boxes each, much easier to handle.
Anyway, the delivery is huge and I want to get rid of it ASAP. I will start the primary distribution to several key points in different European countries this week.
If you are a Fedora contributor in EMEA and you are doing an event, please make sure it is listed in the wiki. Once you have a wiki page, file a ticket in the EMEA Swag Tracker and directly assign it to me (cwickert). I will either take care of the ticket myself or reassign it to the ambassador that serves as your closest key location. Make sure to mention
- the event,
- your shipping address,
- the types and amount of media (we have GNOME desktop live CDs 32 bit, install DVDs 32 and 64 bit, 1000 pieces each)
- and the latest date of delivery.
Have fun and spread Fedora!
Update: Actually it’s not 3000 but 3118 media, this means we got 118 for free. 😉
This is awesome
Wow, that’s a lot of media!
Something we have done in the past is give MediaBit 5 or 6 shipping addresses, and they will ship it out to different places on our behalf. That’s an idea to remember for Fedora 15.
Thanks for taking care of this, Christoph. It’s really appreciated.
I know we did that in the past, for F14 we had two addresses as starting points (Sascha and me). This time we were in a hurry, so I didn’t want to risk confusing the people at MediaBit and thereby delay everything. The media were supposed to arrive on Thursday and I leave for Chemnitz on Friday morning. Otherwise I would have distributed them, but the problem is that MediaBit only accepts addresses in Germany.