As you might know thumbnails in Thunar are generated with tumbler. For obvious reasons the tumbler package in Fedora cannot include the tumbler-ffmpeg plugin. By popular demand I now rolled an add-on package called tumbler-freeworld. When installed, this is what it looks like:
If you are a packager at RPM Fusion, please review the package. Fedora’s Xfce users will appreciate your help.
Surely ffmpeg can be included in Fedora? Just strip the problematic code!
I’m afraid there is not much that remains.
will the thumbnails be shown when the files are on the desktop, directly, with no Thunar window…
Nope, the desktop is handled by xfdesktop and not by Thunar, so no thumbnails, not even for images.
AFAIK in Xfce 4.10 xfdesktop will be retired and Thunar will handle the desktop, too. Then you’ll get thumbnails and consistent single/double click behavior.
Thx – tumbler war ein guter Tipp.