“Ich war damals nicht so perfekt wie heute.” Angela Merkel vor dem Gorleben-Untersuchungsausschuss
Autor-Archive: chris
Fedora Board Runoff Election
As you might know we had a tie of two candidates (Nick and Robert) in the Fedora Board election. The runoff election between the two of them has now started, please vote now! Voting is open for one week, that is until 2012-06-20 00:00:00 UTC.
Fedora elections about to end – vote NOW!
In case you did not yet cast your vote in the current Fedora elections, please do so now! The voting period closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on the 7th. Yes, that is today! As a special bonus, you most Fedora contributors this time should be allowed to vote for FAmSCo, too – even if they are …
FUDCon Kuala Lumpur Day 3
This morning I arrived back in Berlin and directly went from the airport to the office. Now I am home and about to summarize the last day of FUDCon Kuala Lumpur 2012. Just like the other days we started at 10 am, but this time not as many people were around as on Friday or …
FUDCon Kuala Lumpur Day 2
Yesterday was the second day of FUDCon Kuala Lumpur 2012 and the first day with scheduled talks. After the first day with barcamps I was curious to see how talks work out. We arrived at 9 and until 10, a lot more people arrived. And when I say a “lot I” mean a lot. People …
FUDCon Kuala Lumpur Day 1
I got up a little later than planned because it turns out that I am pretty jet-lagged after traveling for more than 24 hours. Nevertheless I managed to have breakfast before we had to leave. In front of the hotel, a shuttle bus was already waiting and quickly brought us to the venue at UCTI. …
FUDCon Kuala Lumpur Day 0
After a pretty long journey to Kuala Lumpur I finally arrived and checked in at the hotel. I met Tuan and Izhar. We went to the venue at the UCTI. I was glad to see that Izhar had a lot of volunteers helping him and everybody was busy preparing stuff. We were not able to …
LinuxTag Tickets
If anybody still needs free tickets for LinuxTag, please comment below you need to get yourself one as mine are all gone. Falls noch jemand Gratis-Tickets für den LinuxTag braucht, bitte unten kommentieren. Selbst besorgen, denn meine sind jetzt alle weg.
The new FAmSCo election guidelines
After months of – sometimes controversial – discussion I am happy to announce the new FAmSCo election guidelines. For those of you, who did not follow the discussion, here is a brief summary of the three most important changes: More continuity Instead of electing all seats once a year, we follow the example of the …
SELinux madness
I usually keep my VM’s in /home, because unlike /var it’s a separate partition and has plenty of free space. As I am also using SELinux, I want to set proper file contexts (even if /home is unconfined, I just want to do it right.) # semanage fcontext -a -t virt_image_t “/home/libvirt/images(/.*)?” # semanage fcontext …