FUDCon Blacksburg To-Do list

FUDCon is over and we made quite some progress in various areas. However, there is still a lot of work to do, because we need to implement everything we brainstormed and discussed. Here’s my personal To-Do list: Document the new spins process in the wiki and implement it in Trac. Finalize my draft of the …

Board goals 2011 retrospective and what we can learn for the future

The Fedora Board had a meeting on Friday as part of FUDCon Blacksburg and one of the topics we dicussed were the strategic goals the board agreed on last year. The top three ranked ones were: Improve and simplify collaboration in the Fedora Community Improve and encourage high-quality communication in the Fedora Community It is …

Announcing the Kolab Server 2.3.4

This time we had a short cycle and only a few updated packages, but I really wanted to get the 2.3.4 release out the door. It fixes not only the annoying build error that affected many people but also includes another fix for the Range header DoS vulnerability in the Apache webserver. Security updates apache: …

Announcing the Kolab Server 2.3.3

Yesterday I released the Kolab Groupware Server Community OpenPKG Edition 2.3.3. It not only fixes some annoying bugs but also includes some security updates. Security Updates apache: Security update to 2.2.20 fixing CVE-2011-3192 imapd: Security update to to 2.3.17 fixing CVE-2011-3208 openssl: Update to 1.0.0e fixing CVE-2011-3207 and CVE-2011-3210 php / apache-php: Security update fixing …

Aus für “Pops tönende Wunderwelt”

Wie ich eben vom geschwätzigen Moderator hören musste, wird Pops tönende Wunderwelt, die wohl dienstälteste Radiosendung Deutschlands, eingestellt. Am 23. September gibt es eine Abschiedsparty in Bremen, 25. September eine 4stündige Abschiedssendung und danach ist Schluss, aus, Ende und vorbei. Ein schwerer Schlag, den ich erst mal verdauen muss. Für mich hieß es die letzten …

Looking back at FrOSCon 2011

Last weekend the 6th FrOSCon took place in St Augustin. Once again it was a nice event, but this time we tried something new: A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) as part of the conference. I arrived at St Augustin on Friday around 7 p.m.. A lot of people were already there and it was nice …

Meet you at the Desktop Summit

I initially planed to go to the Desktop Summit on Thursday because of our Kolab track on Friday, but then I changed my mind because of the talks and the Lightweight Desktop Summit, the annual meeting of the LXDE Foundation. I arrived at Berlin at 3 pm and was at the venue at 4 o …