FUDCon is over and we made quite some progress in various areas. However, there is still a lot of work to do, because we need to implement everything we brainstormed and discussed. Here’s my personal To-Do list:
Improve and simplify collaboration in the Fedora Community
Improve and encourage high-quality communication in the Fedora Community
It is extraordinarily easy to join the Fedora community and quickly find a project to work on.
While we all agree that these goals are worthy, we realized that are problematic:
They are too vague. There is no immediate action that results from any of them.
They are impossible to achieve. We can always improve and therefor never really reach them.
They are hard to measure. Even if we make progress, we cannot measure it.
They cannot be enforced.
I think I need explain the last one a little: In addition to the the individual goals we listed examples. In order to make it easy to join Fedora, all our teams should have some documentation about how to join them. It would be easy to have the Board reach out to all groups and say: “We decided you need documentation on how to join your team. Please have it written by next week and report back to us.” But that’s not how it works.
Instead of enforcing things, we rather need to encourage and enable people. This means that we need to provide tools and manpower to get things done. In this example we would try to liaise a new contributor with a volunteer from the Documentation project and somebody from the group in question. These three people make a perfect team: The new contributor will ask the questions, the group member can answer them and the documentation writer can document is all in nicely for future reference. A win-win situation for everybody: The group gets documentation and hopefully more contributors in the future. The docs writer gains more insight into other parts of the Fedora project and the new contributor can work on something useful right from the start.
Even if there may not have been much progress of the strategic goals in the last year, I think we learned some very important lessons:
Pick goals that can actually be achieved.
Make sure you have a way to measure progress.
Pick your favorite project and champion it.
Don’t enforce guidelines but encourage and enable people.
This time we had a short cycle and only a few updated packages, but I really wanted to get the 2.3.4 release out the door. It fixes not only the annoying build error that affected many people but also includes another fix for the Range header DoS vulnerability in the Apache webserver.
Security updates
apache: Security update to 2.2.21 fixes CVE-2011-3192.
imapd: The build error in imapd was fixed.
kolab-webadmin: The ActiveSync configuration is back again.
kolab-z-push: New version with bugfixes for various Nokia phones.
z-push: New upstream version with many bugfixes.
New features
For a complete list of changes please refer to the release notes.
The upgrade form 2.3.1 is straight forward, there is nothing special you need to care about. If you are upgrading from 2.2.4, please follow the instructions to upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0 as outlined in the 1st.README file.
Documentation and OpenPKG packages are available as shown on the download page. Binary packages for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (Squeeze/stable) and 5.0 (Lenny/oldstable) on x86 platforms can be found next to the sources. As soon as they have synced, you can also use the mirrors.
You can check the integrity of the downloaded files by importing our file distribution key and verify the OpenPGP signature and SHA1 checksums:
Yesterday I released the Kolab Groupware Server Community OpenPKG Edition 2.3.3. It not only fixes some annoying bugs but also includes some security updates.
Security Updates
apache: Security update to 2.2.20 fixing CVE-2011-3192
imapd: Security update to to 2.3.17 fixing CVE-2011-3208
dimp: No more blank mails in the preview pane. If you still have problems, please make sure to generate all required locales in both ISO and UTF-8 and delete the webclient cache /kolab/var/kolab/webclient_data/tmp/cache_*
horde: All attachments are displayed again, preference woes were fixed and the memory limit was raised to aviod large Kolab objects to cause a white screen.
imp: Umlauts in System folders are displayed correctly
Kolab_FreeBusy: Triggering with only the localpart of user works again
Kolab_Server: Just like in horde, the memory limit was raised to avoid white screens with large Kolab objects.
Kolab_Storage: *Lots* of fixes, most notably shared calendars and address books with the same name can now be distinguished.
kolab-webadmin: The folder listing in the ActiveSync config and the domain maintainer’s welcome page were fixed
kronolith: FreeBusy list of event organizers in their event attendee view is working again
openldap: Update to 2.4.26 fixing some memory leaks in slapd
New Features
turba: organizationalUnit (ou) is displayed in the global address book as “department”
For a complete list of changes please refer to the release notes.
The upgrade form 2.3.2 is straight forward, there is nothing special you need to care about. Only if you are compiling packages yourself you need to recompile some due to the OpenSSL update as described in the 1st.README file.
If you are upgrading from 2.2.4, please follow the instructions to upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0 as outlined in 1st.README.
Documentation and OpenPKG packages are available as shown on the download page. Binary packages for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (Squeeze/stable) and 5.0 (Lenny/oldstable) on x86 platforms can be found next to the sources. As soon as they have synced, you can also use the mirrors.
You can check the integrity of the downloaded files by importing our file distribution key and verify the OpenPGP signature and SHA1 checksums:
Wie ich eben vom geschwätzigen Moderator hören musste, wird Pops tönende Wunderwelt, die wohl dienstälteste Radiosendung Deutschlands, eingestellt. Am 23. September gibt es eine Abschiedsparty in Bremen, 25. September eine 4stündige Abschiedssendung und danach ist Schluss, aus, Ende und vorbei.
Ein schwerer Schlag, den ich erst mal verdauen muss. Für mich hieß es die letzten 24 Jahre mehr oder weniger regelmäßig “Sonntag Abend gehört Paul E. Pop.” und ich weiß nicht, was ich jetzt nach dem Tatort machen soll.
Last weekend the 6th FrOSCon took place in St Augustin. Once again it was a nice event, but this time we tried something new: A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) as part of the conference.
I arrived at St Augustin on Friday around 7 p.m.. A lot of people were already there and it was nice to meet a lot of friends and many of the typical suspects again. Unfortunately we could not yet build up the booth as Robert, who had the event box and the banners with him, was stuck in heavy traffic jam. When he finally arrived at half past 8 we quickly prepared the booth before we left for dinner with our friends from Xfce.
We decided to go to Bonn because Christian lives there and he recommended an Ethiopian Restaurant. Of course we were a little skeptic and made bad jokes (“Ethiopian? We’ll go home hungry!” and alike) but Roha Café has completely proven us wrong: Nice atmosphere, friendly people and awesome food that is eaten just with the hands by wrapping it in bread. We were nine people and ordered 3 different plates for 3 people each but we didn’t manage to finish them because we were completely filled up. Each of us had 2 drinks, some also had a delicious Ethiopian coffee after dinner and in the end the bill was ridiculously cheap (less than 14 EUR per person). So if you ever happen to be in Bonn, go to Roha Café.
Some of us wanted to go wild afterwards and decided to go for more drinks, but as FrOSCon opens doors at 8:15 a.m. on Saturday, most of us decided to go back to the hotel. I went to Cologne with Enrico because I stayed at a friend and commuted to St Augustin.
On Saturday we had a German Translation team leaders of GNOME, Xfce and LXDE. We had Hendrik Richter and Christian Kirbach from GNOME, Fabian Nowak and me from Xfce and me again for LXDE. Even though the meeting was a little short I consider it very successful. Our goal is to have consistent translations throughout the different desktops and it was nice to see we agree on so many things, even on tiny details. There is still a lot of work to do but harmonizing our translation guidelines is a first step in the right direction.
Saturday was the better of the two days: The number of visitors was lower than last year (somebody even said it was all time negative record) and Sunday was even worse than Saturday. I don’t think it was that bad, we had visitors at the Fedora booth most of the time, but Sunday definitely could have been better. Not only the exhibition, but also our FAD.
The FAD began at 10:00. Benedikt gave a talk about his “Fedora Home Server”. The title mimics the “Windows Home Server” and so does the feature set of the server. Of course you can add more services and the audience came up with interesting ideas. After that Robert delivered a talk about SELinux. It seems SELinux still causes people a lot of headache and thus a lot of people came to Robert’s presentation.
Next up was Anreas with a talk about Func, the Fedora Unified Network Controller. It was perhaps the most entertaining talk because Andreas made a dry topic a lot of fun, especially when he started showing stuff on not on a demo machine but a real production environment.
After a short lunch break I gave two more talks, one about remixing Fedora and the other about RPM packaging. I hardly had the latter prepared, I just used the slides from one of my many previous talks about packaging and we made it more like a workshop. People liked this a lot: It definitely makes a difference if you just go through some slides or if you have a RPM package or a live CD ready at the end of the workshop. The audience was very experienced, most of them already were Fedora users or had at least used it, so we could even address advanced topics.
Having a FAD or a FUDCon as part pf another event is always a difficult decision. On the one hand a lot of people there, both contributors as well as visitors. The contributors don’t need to pay for travel again and you reach an audience that you would not reach with a Fedora-only event. On the other hand people get distracted by the main event. There are many other talks and so much to see. Because all contributors want to attend either the Fedora event or one of the other talks, it’s difficult to have enough booth personnel all the time. So if you you are hacking on something special and you just want to get things done ™ it is maybe better to meet somewhere in the middle of nowhere to not be disturbed.
Nevertheless I think this FAD was worth it: It was not a hack fest but more like a one day mini-FUDCon full of talks and as such it makes perfectly sense to have it at FrOSCon: FrOSCon is famous for it’s talks while the exhibition is secondary. We managed to address a new audience and raised awareness for Fedora.
I’d like to thank all Fedora contributors who helped us to make FrOSCon 2011 a successful event, namely (and in no particular order)
I initially planed to go to the Desktop Summit on Thursday because of our Kolab track on Friday, but then I changed my mind because of the talks and the Lightweight Desktop Summit, the annual meeting of the LXDE Foundation. I arrived at Berlin at 3 pm and was at the venue at 4 o clock. It is nice to see so many friends and a lot of Fedora and Red Hat contributors here. If you are not yet in Berlin come here NOW!