After months of – sometimes controversial – discussion I am happy to announce the new FAmSCo election guidelines. For those of you, who did not follow the discussion, here is a brief summary of the three most important changes: More continuity Instead of electing all seats once a year, we follow the example of the …
Schlagwort-Archive: Fedora
FUDCon Blacksburg To-Do list
FUDCon is over and we made quite some progress in various areas. However, there is still a lot of work to do, because we need to implement everything we brainstormed and discussed. Here’s my personal To-Do list: Document the new spins process in the wiki and implement it in Trac. Finalize my draft of the …
Flight to Milan and back:103 EUR Hotel in Milan: 145 EUR Hotdog costume on Ebay: 15 EUR Fun at FUDPub: priceless!
Looking back at FrOSCon 2011
Last weekend the 6th FrOSCon took place in St Augustin. Once again it was a nice event, but this time we tried something new: A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) as part of the conference. I arrived at St Augustin on Friday around 7 p.m.. A lot of people were already there and it was nice …
Linux New Media to ship thousands of Fedora DVDs
F15 Multiboot DVD with GNOME and KDE As some of you might know I started writing for the German Linux Magazin in April. I am now in the lucky position to know quite a few people at Linux New Media and one of them asked me if I had an idea for the DVD they …
„Linux New Media to ship thousands of Fedora DVDs“ weiterlesen
I want you to vote…
… for the Beefy Miracle! NOW!
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2011 revisited
Last weekend I attended the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2011, one of the biggest community events here in Germany. The reason I didn’t blog about it earlier is simple: I didn’t know what to write except: It was like every year. This doesn’t mean that the event was bad, by far not. It was just as …
Finally – and right in time for CLT – the Fedora 14 Media for EMEA have arrived! I was shocked 😯 when the guy opened his truck and revealed an euro 6 pallet. I didn’t expect 3000 media to be so much! Last time I got 1600, but they were in 4 parcels of 4 …
Dear Fedora contributors
The spin-kickstarts repository is no self-service where you can just check in any random kickstart. If you want your kickstart file to be included in spin-kickstarts, please follow the spins process. Kind regards, your Spin Wrangler
From Fedora’s GNOME 3 feature page: Where has the appearance capplet gone? GNOME 3 is deemphasizing user customization, or ‘theming’ in favour of a ‘just works’ and ‘slick out of the box’ approach. Therefore, theme changes are no longer exposed in the core configuration UI, except for accessibility themes such as ‘High Contrast’ or ‘Inverse’, …