I can’t believe I have been elected for FESCo. I expected to become 5th again like last time (which means I didn’t make it) but I this time I’m 2nd! A big thanks to all the people who voted for me. I really appreciate your confidence and I’ll try my very best to not disappoint your hopes.
Monatliche Archive: Dezember 2009
Tracking system needed
Dear Lazyweb, a lot of my customers have workflows that involve different people. Some of them have checklists, but this is a lot of paper work, it’s not searchable, not reliable and it’s just so 1987. To make these processes more transparent and traceable I am looking for a issue tracker/ticketing system/CRM.
Frühstyxradio wieder auf Sendung
Zu meiner großen Freude habe ich eben gelesen, dass das größte Kulturmagazin der Welt wieder auf bei Radio ffn auf Sendung ist. Zwar immer nur kurz, aber dafür (wochen)täglich.
Fedora 12 LXDE Spin available for download
Better late than never: The Fedora 12 LXDE Spin has arrived! The new images available for download now. Grab them while they are still hot!