Yesterday I came back from Cologne, where I stayed a night at Enrico’s before taking the train back to Münster. After I arrived home, my customers kept me busy, but now I have some time to blog about the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage (Chemnitz Linux Days) last weekend.
Kategorie-Archive: LXDE
FAD Niederrhein 2010
Come and join us at the FAD Niederrhein 2010, March 27 + 28, Mönchengladbach, DRK-Begegnungsstätte Wickrath. You don’t have to be a Fedora user or contributor to attend.
Fedora 12 LXDE Spin available for download
Better late than never: The Fedora 12 LXDE Spin has arrived! The new images available for download now. Grab them while they are still hot!
Follow-up on the LXDE images
I just want to give a short update on the broken LXDE Spin images: I (think I) fixed the bug, but we need to do some more testing to be really sure. Thanks for your patience.
Fedora 12 LXDE Spin images are broken
I have just asked the website admins to remove the F12 LXDE Spin from the Bittorrent Tracker because we have a spotted a major bug that makes the images unusable. There will be fixed images soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.