Last weekend I attended Linuxwochen Wien for the first time. I heard a lot about the event, so I totally wanted to go there. Now that I’m back from Vienna, I am a little disappointed – but nevertheless happy I went there. The Austrian Linuxwochen (Linux Weeks) is a series of events all over the …
Schlagwort-Archive: Linux
Don’t use a programming language for configuration
Dear developers, please don’t use a programming language for configuration files. Seriously. Don’t. Just don’t. You are only making live hard for people. Here is what my polkit custom desktop policy looked like in Fedora <= 17: Identity=unix-group:wheel Action=org.freedesktop.packagekit.package-install;org.freedesktop.packagekit.package-remove;org.freedesktop.packagekit.system-rollback;org.freedesktop.packagekit.system-sources*;org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.*;org.libvirt.unix.*; ResultAny=no ResultInactive=no ResultActive=yes I think this is pretty straight forward, but some people found it confusing …
„Don’t use a programming language for configuration“ weiterlesen
FUDCon Kuala Lumpur Day 1
I got up a little later than planned because it turns out that I am pretty jet-lagged after traveling for more than 24 hours. Nevertheless I managed to have breakfast before we had to leave. In front of the hotel, a shuttle bus was already waiting and quickly brought us to the venue at UCTI. …
Flight to Milan and back:103 EUR Hotel in Milan: 145 EUR Hotdog costume on Ebay: 15 EUR Fun at FUDPub: priceless!
Looking back at FrOSCon 2011
Last weekend the 6th FrOSCon took place in St Augustin. Once again it was a nice event, but this time we tried something new: A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) as part of the conference. I arrived at St Augustin on Friday around 7 p.m.. A lot of people were already there and it was nice …
Meet you at the Desktop Summit
I initially planed to go to the Desktop Summit on Thursday because of our Kolab track on Friday, but then I changed my mind because of the talks and the Lightweight Desktop Summit, the annual meeting of the LXDE Foundation. I arrived at Berlin at 3 pm and was at the venue at 4 o …
The Linus effect
On July 26th Linus said he switched to Xfce because he doesn’t like GNOME 3. Guess what happens when someone picked up the news yesterday:
New GNOME haz no friends
Me said it before and the internets have proved me right: New GNOME haz no friends, only old GNOME haz. P.S.: Bad troll post, I know but SCNR! 😉